75th Anniversary Celebration

Scripture Focus - Psalm 90

“Lord you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” Psalm 90: 1, 2

“Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we might sign for joy and be glad all our days.” Psalm 90: 12, 14

Mission Focus

Canadian Bible Society - Goal $7,500

Music - Anthem

“We are all St Giles Kingsway” - Composed by Greg McFarlane/Clark Schaufele

The Chosen

Powerful series on the life of Jesus Christ shown on Sunday evenings at the church starting in November 2024 continuing into 2025. AV Technology - Eldrin and Eric Charan

Biblical Foundations for Narratives of Hope

SGK hosted a workshop led by Rev. Dr Pat Dutcher-Walls, Moderator of the 2024 General Assembly - November 2024

Guest Preacher

Eric Lee from Graceview Presbyterian Church (our student pastor from 2016 - 2017) on “From Now On You Will Fish For People” - January 26, 2025.

Book Launch

“Retell Me The Stories of Jesus” by SGK’s Ted Morris, inviting us to approach the ancient text with child like faith, drawing us in through the lens of a gifted storyteller, scholar and servant of Jesus. ($25.00) All books will be signed and a portion of the sales will go to the 75th Anniversary Fund - February 2, 2025


Anniversary Photo Directory

Photo Sessions organized by Joan Dea - February 18 - 22

Celebration Banquet

Tickets will be on sale later in the year.

75th Anniversary Fund

A special fund has been established to receive tax-deductible donations to support the church’s year-long special events. Cheques should be made payable to the ‘St Giles Kingsway Presbyterian Church’ and designated ‘75th Anniversary’ on the memo line or on the third line of your givings envelopes.

Anniversary Celebration Co Chairs

Barry Peacock, Joanne Campbell, Rita Dean