Our Goal
1. To guide them towards faith in Christ
2. To guide them to grow in grace and knowledge in the Christian faith
3. To guide them towards loving others made in God’s image
Children’s Ministry
Our children’s ministry starts with community worship in the sanctuary with the congregation at 10:30am every Sunday. After the children’s message, our children leave for their own Sunday Club guided by leaders. We sing and dance along with a video, read a story from the Bible and often watch a video about that story, then discuss how to apply these Christian teachings to our lives. Sometimes there’s a craft or other activity.
We minister to children from nursery to grade 8. Both the nursery and the children's program are held in the or Sunday School area below the Iona Chapel.
After School Program
We offer this program as a safe and fun space where children ages Kindergarten to Grade 4 can play, learn and develop friendships. The program runs each Thursday at 3:15-5:15 pm from September to June, and includes snack time, group games, music, faith formation and a monthly theme (such as animals, baking or sports).
Our program is run by adult and high school student volunteers (with police record checks) and also offers a leadership training program for Grades 6-8 students. A ‘walking school bus’ is available from the local school - Humber Valley Village - at 3:10pm dismissal. The suggested monthly donation is $20/child or $30/family. Please email our Administrator at SGK, for more information and to sign up, or call the church office at 416.233.8591.