Ministry Teams
Our Session is composed of our minister and 8 elders, who have been elected by the congregation to provide spiritual direction and oversight. We also have five ministry teams, each made up of elders and members from our congregation. These teams are Community, Mission, Discipleship, Worship and Management.
The Community team provides opportunities for building a caring Christian community and to present the ministry of our congregation to the neighbourhood. Our Community team oversees Prime Time, Fellowship time after worship, and the church website.
The Mission team's goal is to educate the congregation about the mission of Jesus Christ and to involve the congregation in that mission through both evangelism and social action. We want to reach out with the love of Christ to our neighbours. We have a yearly mission trip to Guatemala in March, a bi-monthly Friendship Club for the intellectually challenged, and opportunities for local mission throughout the year.
The Discipleship team provides care and spiritual nurture for the faith journey of all people connected with our congregation. Under the umbrella of this team are Leading With Care, Library, Nursery, Church School, Pastoral Care, Prayer Team, Thursday After School Program and Small Groups.
Our purpose is to offer worship experiences that are God-glorifying and to provide all ages with a Biblical foundation for spiritual formation so that they are equipped to live the Christian life. Our Worship team works together to enhance all the worship activities of St. Giles Kingsway, including Sunday services, Communion and Baptism. The music program at St. Giles, as well as the decorating of the sanctuary, are also overseen by this team.
The responsibility of our Management team includes the overseeing of both our physical property and our financial condition. Our team is responsible for maintaining our property and for the preparation and management of our annual budget, for the worship and glorification of God.